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Distribution Options

CAMARA APIs allow different Distribution Options

Blue lines = CAMARA APIs, red lines = Operate APIs. SEP = Service Exposure Platform.
It is also possible that additional portals or gateways are in between.

The most simple one is that one end customer accesses the APIs of just one telco operator (single-operator relationship).

Big customers also have the ability to handle multi-operator relationships.

Smaller customers can therefore use the services of an aggregator. The aggregator can enable e.g. a single-sign-on for the end customer and handle the authentication and authorization towards the telco operators, as well as the routing to the correct telco operator.

As alternative solution also a single operator “API roaming” is possible. In this case one operator is considered as aggregator of another operator. So the same APIs can be used for east-/westbound as for northbound.

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