- Data Monitoring for Mobile Apps: A mobile app developer can query the API to check how much data volume a user has left. This can help users stay informed and avoid unexpected overages, while also offering proactive management options such as data-saving modes.
- Content Streaming Services: Streaming platforms can query the API to check a user’s remaining data volume and adjust the content quality (e.g., reduce video resolution) if the user is nearing their data limit.
Device Data Volume
- On-Demand Data Volume Queries: Developers can make direct requests to the API to retrieve the remaining data volume for a device whenever necessary, providing a flexible and efficient solution for tracking data consumption.
- User Awareness: Users can stay informed about their remaining data, allowing them to make informed decisions, like switching to a lower data-consuming service or avoiding certain high-data applications if they’re near their limit.
- Customized User Experience: Developers can use the remaining data information to customize the user experience, such as offering data-saving tips, low-data mode, or adjusting content quality based on available volume.
API Portfolio: Device Information
SubProject Wiki: Device Status
(incl. how to meet the team)
API Wiki: Device Data Volume
API Repository: Device Data Volume
API Repository Status: Sandbox
API Status: In progress
API Version(s) and Release Date(s):
- In progress
API availability: Information which APIs are available in which country and network, and how to get access can be found on the GSMA public launch status page.