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Capabilities And Runtime Restrictions

API Description
Use Cases
  • Preventing Errors from Unsupported Features:
    • For instance, if an API supports multiple device identifiers (IMEI, MSISDN, etc.) but a particular provider allows only MSISDN, your client can automatically skip the unsupported parameters.
  • Handling Temporary Outages or Unavailability:
    • During large events or maintenance, operations might be suspended. Use this API to gracefully disable those features and show helpful messages to users.
  • Managing Input Constraints:
    • Some numeric fields may have provider-specific limits (e.g., location radius no less than 5 km). Retrieve those limits and validate user input accordingly.
  • Adjusting to Region-Specific Requirements:
    • A provider in region A might mandate an otherwise optional parameter, while region B does not. You can create code that can adapt dynamically based on real-time restrictions.
  • Receiving Notifications for Quick Response:
    • If restrictions change (e.g., a parameter once required is no longer needed), your code can be notified. Your application can update functionality seamlessly without manual intervention.
  • Reduced Errors & Downtime: By knowing exactly which parameters and operations are valid at any moment, you avoid failed calls and error handling overhead.
  • Improved User Experience: If features are unavailable, your app can hide or disable those options, preventing user frustration or confusion.
  • Future-Proofing: As providers evolve their implementations, your application can dynamically adapt through subscription-based notifications rather than requiring frequent manual updates.

API Portfolio: Service Management

SubProject Wiki: N/a, Independent Sandbox, See API Wiki
(incl. how to meet the team)

API Wiki: Capabilities And Runtime Restrictions

API Repository: Capabilities And Runtime Restrictions

API Repository Status: Sandbox

API Status: Upcoming

API Version(s) and Release Date(s):

  • In progress

API availability: Information which APIs are available in which country and network, and how to get access can be found on the GSMA public launch status page.

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