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Session Insights

API Description
Use Cases
  • Wi-Fi Congestion: Wi-Fi congestion at a service site is affecting video conferencing performance, reflecting lower Session Insights scores and poor video quality.
  • Network Impairments: Issues in the operator’s network can lead to degradation in latency, jitter, packet loss, and bitrate, reflecting lower Session Insights scores and poor video quality.

Application developers can now have better insights into what is going on in the network and receive corrective actions from the network operator. Sample recommendations include:

  • Create a HomeDeviceQoD session for Wi-Fi MultiMedia (WMM) enablement,
  • application configuration updates,
  • request service improvements.

API Portfolio: Communication Quality

SubProject Wiki: Connectivity Insights
(incl. how to meet the team)

API Wiki: Session Insights

API Repository: Session Insights

API Repository Status: Sandbox

API Status: Initial

API Version(s) and Release Date(s):

  • In progress

API availability: Information which APIs are available in which country and network, and how to get access can be found on the GSMA public launch status page.

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